The Speciality of Tarannum’s Study Before and During Faridah Binti Mat Saman’s Era

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Shafiza Safie
M.Y.Zulkifli Mohd Yusoff
Khader Ahmad
Wan Hilmi Wan Abdullah


The Holy Qur’an is an everlasting miracle. Reading it includes worshiping and studying. Hence, tarannum, as a vocal method of the recitation of the Qur’an, renders the recitation beautiful. This article aimed at introducing Faridah Binti Mat Saman, one of the best reciter of tarannum known locally and internationally. This is by highlighting the method of tarannum before Faridah’s era (1945-1959) and during her era (1960-2018), then emphasizing on her contribution in this field. The findings show that there are various advantages of tarannum’s study either before and during Faridah’s era but her era shows the development of tarannum and the emerging of numourous Qari (Quran reciters) from both sex in addition to the qualified teachers of this vocal method in Malaysia.


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Research Article (Malay)