Muqawimmāt al-amn al-fikr min manzūr Qur’ānī

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Souheila Seggani
Mohd Roslan Mohd Nor


Intellectual security is one of the most important components of public security and it occupies its highest rank. Thus, it is an obligation to achieve and protect national security legitimately and a religiously. This research deals with the most prominent elements of intellectual security which cannot be based only on the basis of the concept and reality of its existence. The identification and construction of these ingredients are also mentioned in the Quranic verses, which show that security is an inevitable consequence of the validity of faith and the integrity of belief. Since intellectual security is linked to the ideas and perceptions of individuals, especially those concepts are the first organized and directed human behavior, it shall refer to the Sharia texts to know the limits of thought and controls to be in accordance with the Islamic curriculum normality and be safe from any any contract or intellectual deviation. Because of the moderation feature which Allah Almighty has singled out for the Islamic due to its importance to the safety of belief and thought of delinquency, hyperbole and fanaticism, this characteristic must be an essential ingredient of intellectual security.


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Research Article (Arabic)