Quranic Exegesis from Psychological Perspective: An Application of Quranic Therapy in Generalized Anxiety Disorder

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Muhammad Zulqarnain


With the significant materialistic developments in 20th century, there has been observed remarkable increase in mental disorders all over the world. Meta-analysis indicated that most common among all mental disorders was Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD), which has enormously affected humans globally. This research paper aimed at demonstrating the usefulness of psycho-Quranic therapy for the treatment of GAD. The paper comprised of three sections: the first looked into causes of anxiety; the second highlighted its major forms, and third provided the solution in the light of Holy Quran. Qualitative research method was used to gain an understanding of underlying phenomenon and to uncover trends in thought and behavior. The thematic review of Quranic verses reveals that Allah has used an astounding word “لا خوف” (No fear) repeatedly in Holy Quran for those who follow divine patterns of thought, beliefs and actions that they do not need to fear and grieve. Moreover, unlike psychology, Holy Quran testifies that it is exclusively possible to prevent mental disorders in general and anxiety in particular. It was also found that some of the serious anxiety disorders were mentioned in the Holy Quran including fear of abducting, killing, privation, hunger and losing wealth, etc. The Noble Quran used Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) in order to deal with them and lower the level of anxiety. Psycho-Stats and demographics also endorsed Quranic scheme of treatment as it was established research that meditation and CBT had been proven much effective in lowering the anxiety level. However, CBT was considered better than that of meditation due to its long lasting effects.


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