The Concept of Material Transfer from One Place to Other at the Speed of Light and Reducing Causes of Earthquake: Develop based on the Hints of Quranic Verses

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Quamrul Ahsan
Suhaib Ahsan


Present technology transfers audio and video signals from one place to other in the globe as well as in the space at a speed such that people can communicate with each other instantaneously. Modern civilization will move one step ahead if it can transfer material at the same speed. On the other hand, often modern civilization faces a tremendous loss caused by the earthquake. With a view to provide researchers the ways of getting benefits from the scientific research hints of the Quranic verses, this paper proposes some initial ideas of transferring materials from one place to other at a speed at which the telecommunication channels are transferring data. It also proposes initial ideas of reducing causes of the earthquake. The ideas are developed based on the hints of the verses of the Quran. The paper utilizes the technique of critical analysis of the relevant verses of the Quran and then correlating with the scientific theories and related technologies. The paper also presents a discussion on the degree of matching of the technologies of some devices and some theories with the hints of the verses of the Quran. It is expected that the proposed ideas will encourage researchers to move further.


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Research Article (English)