Al-Mubham fī al-Qurān al-Karīm

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Ghalib Muhammad Abu al-Qasim al-Hamidi


Among the disciplines that received due attention by the early Muslim scholars is the study of the obscureness in the Holy Koran; this discipline is of great significance and benefit. It clears whatever ambiguities associated with certain Koranic vocabulary and their meanings. This shows how the Holy Quran is unique. In the present research, this discipline is defined both in general language and in specific language. The researcher traced the development of the discipline, and to what extent the early Muslim scholars had been attentive to it. Ways to clarify the obscurities, its resources and divisions are also discussed. Examples of each division are given. The researcher also mentioned the causes for obscureness in the Koran, its benefits and effects on the meaning. Finally, titles of all books written on the field are listed, followed by the conclusion and a list of references and works cited.


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Research Article (Arabic)