Politeness Strategies In The Qur’an As Model For Interpersonal Relationship: The Case Of Nigeria

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Aliyu Okuta Ahmad


This study figures out the linguistic politeness strategies existing in the Holy Qur’an. The Holy Quran is a divine revelation and complete guidance for mankind. The study aims to investigate how politeness strategies in the Qur’an can effectively enhance interpersonal relationships among speech participants. The study tries to answer this question: to what extent does the application of Qur’anic politeness strategies help in creating harmonious relationship within human societies? The study extracted some politeness strategies from some verses of the holy Qur’an and analyzed them, using the Qualitative Content Analysis Method. Strategies of Leech’s Maxims of Interaction are employed. The findings of the paper reveal that the Qur’anic politeness strategies provide the basic elements for interpersonal relationship and good neighborliness, regardless of race, color or religion. The paper finally recommends that future studies should unravel more rules and strategies of politeness in the holy Qur’an, since the issue of politeness studies in this Holy Book is not yet exhausted.


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Research Article (English)