Methodology Analysis for Study of The Qur'an by Imran Nazar Hosein (Inh) Based on Gadamer Perspective

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Fadillah Tridiani Febrisia


The study of the Holy Qur’an is a basic step in shaping the faith of every Muslim. However, there is a gap in understanding the meaning of the Qur’an, even though the Qur’an is a storehouse of ma'rifat and divine wisdom that can be used as guidelines and solutions in life. So we need a method that can provide concrete steps in studying the Qur’an. The process of transformation and understanding between religion and real life is the main objective of this study. One of the methodologies of learning the Qur’an using concrete steps can be studied in the methodology of studying the Qur’an from Imran Nazar Hosein (INH). This method elaborates the hermeneutic and tadabbur method of the Qur’an through understanding the meaning of the Qur’an with concrete steps and examples. This methodological analysis uses several pre-existing Qur’anic study methodologies using Gadamer's perspective, as an analytical tool to study the application of this methodology in real life. The conclusion of this study indicates that this method has advantages, that is: First, using the stages and steps that systematic in support of its applicator; Second, bringing together two approaches, namely the Al-Qur'an taddabur approach and the hermeneutical approach of Gadamer; Third, using a holistic and scientific approach in studying the Qur'an, through the use of the system of meaning of the Qur'an; Fourth, that can establish self-awareness and humility for learners who actually follow the stages; Fifth, this methodology teaches steps that can make learners closer to Allah s.w.t.


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Research Article (English)