Aqwāl al-Muarrij fī Tafsīr al-Juz al-Thālith min al-Quran al-Karim: Jam’ wa Dirāsah wa Mawāzinah

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Sumaya Salim Al-Kurdi
Ahmed Abdul-Karim Al-Kubaisi


This research deals with the definition of Imam al-Moaraj Ibn Amr Al-Sadousi Al-Basri, 195 A.H .Abu Faid and his value among the scholars of the Arabic language and Interpretation of the Holy Quran (Tafsir Al-Qur’an) and the value of his opinions,  via description, and analysis study as well as compare his opinions in the third part of Surat Al-Baqarah with the other scholars opinions in same field according to the considered rules by the scholars of Qur’an interpretation( Tafsir AL-Qur’an) .There is no doubt that Imam al-Moaraj Ibn Amr Al-Sadousi Al-Basri had a great value among the scholars in his time. They were relied on his views on language and interpretation (Tafsir AL-Qur’an.) and infer it to strengthen what they believe in the interpretation of the Verses of the holy Qur’an. The research showed that some of opinions of al-Moaraj was a reference for the other scholars to depended on in the interpretation of the Noble Qur’an


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Research Article (Arabic)