Application of Maqasid al-Quran to the Interpretation of Tolerance Verses in Tafsir al-Azhar

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Muhammad Mukhlis Yunus
M.Y. Zulkifli Mohd Yusoff


This study is aimed to identify the Maqasid al-Quran and its importance in understanding some verses with nuances of cultural diversity, namely verse 62 of surah al-Baqarah and verse 69 of surah al-Ma`idah for example. This study is also to analyze the Maqasid al-Quran on the interpretation of the verses that have been applied by HAMKA in Tafsir al-Azhar. The methodology of this study is in the form of text analysis and content analysis. While inductive, deductive and comparative approaches are used to analyze the data. The findings of this study revealed that Maqasid al-Quran has a role in the interpretation of verses that are nuanced cultural diversity. It also revealed that HAMKA has applied the classical and contemporary Maqasid al-Quran to the interpretation of verses that are nuanced cultural diversity in Tafsir al-Azhar. Nevertheless, the contemporary model of Maqasid al-Quran is more dominant than the classical, although both verses are related to faith in terms of its content. This study concludes that the application of Maqasid al-Quran to the interpretation of tolerance verses is more focused by people who wants to explain it. In terms of the implication of the study, a methodology of Tafsir Maqasidi has been developed and it can be used as a method of interpretation of the verses of tolerance.


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Research Article (Malay)