An Analysis of Ellipsis Styles in ‘Adadi Aspect in Quran

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Intan Nor Syahira Ahmad
Md Nor Abdullah


Uslub is an important aspect in order to understand the research about miracle of Quran. In spite of numerous research that had be written by researchers about styles in Quran, for one detail comprehensive and analysis about the unique style in verses that contained numeral element is not be highlighted focus in research. Thus, this study highlights the uslub by analyzing verses that contained numeral element in Quran to fill that area especially in discussion about miracle of Quran study in terms of numeral element known as numerical miracle (I’jaz ‘Adadi). Therefore, this study aimed to analyze the uslub in the verses that contained numeral element in Quran, while discovering the function and importance of using that style. This study is using a qualitative method as analysis approach on verse 213 Surah Al-Baqarah. The result shows that the styles in the verse which contained numeral element play important role to ensure a message in verse of Quran delivered efficiently, and prove the secret behind miracle of Quran. In addition, this also shows that the unique styles or uslub in the Quran is correlated with the revelation of Quran as an amazing miracle even studied from many aspects.


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Research Article (Malay)