Al-Arbu fī Ṣaddi Shubuhat Al-Ḥadāsiyyin Al-‘Arab

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Baraa’h Fawzy Abdullah Abu Ashamat


The current study, entitled: “The Defending in Refuting the Suspicions of the Arab Modernists”, is one of the studies that cared about defend the suspicions of the Arab modernists about the Prophetic traditions, that were mentioned in the fourth chapter of the book (The Prophetic traditions and the messenger's  tradition: A New Vision), by Mohammed Shahrour. The problem of the study represented in what the author reached in the interpretation to understand the legal texts, the study aimed to illustrate the scientific defend to suspicions included in the book. The researcher followed the analytical  critical and the inductive approach to achieve the objectives of the study, and to reach the required findings. The study was divided into two topics, each of them included certain requirements, the study concluded with a set of findings, the most prominent of which were: the inadequacy of the modernist approach in interpretation of Sharia texts.



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