Athar Al-Waqf wa Al-Ibtidā’ fī Ikhtilāf Aḥkām Al-Qirā’āt: Qirā’ah Ruways ‘an Ya‘qūb Al-Ḥaḍramī Anmūdhajān

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Habiballah bin Salih al-Salami


This research aims to demonstrate the effect of endowment, beginning, separation and connection in the different rulings of Qur’anic readings among readers in general and Ruways on Ya‘qūb in particular, by presenting models from the chapters on the origins of readings showing the relationship of readings with endowment and initiation, and extrapolation to the reading of Ruwais in the brushes of the Qur’an surahs and the effect of the endowment or connection in reading it. I followed the descriptive and inductive method in it, according to the procedures I specified in the research method, and a plan I showed in its place. The research resulted in the most prominent results: 1. The endowment and the initiation have a clear relationship with the rulings of readings for the readers in general, and for Ruways in particular. 2. The scholars of readings paid attention to the provisions of wiring and initiation due to their impact on controlling aspects and distinguishing what is acceptable from what is rejected, and they assigned special chapters to them, and individual warnings. 3.  There are a number of chapters in the fundamentals and a wide range of fundamental issues in which the readers based the rulings on the provisions of separation, connection, endowment and starting. 4. Seven words were mentioned in the section of the Qur’an’s furniture, in which a dispute arose among the readers, especially Ruways, because of the suspension of these words and the beginning of what follows them.


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Research Article (Arabic)