Psychospiritual Well-Being Through Understanding I'jaz Al-Qur'an

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Md. Razali bin Saibin
Khairol Ikhwan @Mohd Fithri bin Khoza


Psychospiritual well-being refers to a state of balanced and harmonious mental and spiritual health. In the context of Islamic understanding, this concept is often associated with religious practices and a deep understanding of the teachings of the Quran. I'jaz al-Quran, meaning the miracle or inimitability of the Quran, refers to the aspects that prove the Quran is a divine revelation that cannot be matched by humans. This study aims to examine how the elements of I'jaz al-Quran contribute to the psychospiritual well-being of individuals. Through qualitative analysis of Quranic verses and scholarly interpretations, this study finds that the linguistic (I’jaz Lughawi), scientific (I’jaz Ilmi), and legislative (I’jaz Tashri’i) miracles of the Quran play a significant role in strengthening individual faith and belief, thereby enhancing their psychospiritual well-being. The Quran provides comprehensive life guidance, offers peace of mind, and provides solutions to various life problems. In conclusion, I'jaz al-Quran not only affirms the authenticity, truth, and greatness of the Quran as a miracle but also serves as a primary source for achieving psychospiritual well-being in daily life.


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Research Article (Malay)