
  • Journal of Information Systems Research and Practice

    Journal Information

    Journal of Information Systems Research and Practice (JISRP) refers to the academic field and practical application of studying how information technology (IT) can be effectively used to solve real-world problems within organizations. This interdisciplinary field combines elements of computer science, management, psychology, sociology, and other related disciplines to understand how technology can be designed, implemented, and managed to support organizational goals and objectives.

    The Journal of Information Systems Research and Practice (JISRP) is dedicated to address the challenges in the areas of Information Systems in theoretical aspect and Its Applications, thereby presenting a consolidated view to the interested researchers in the aforesaid fields. The journal looks for significant contributions to Information Systems in theoretical and practical aspects.

    Journal Summary

    Journal Title Journal of Information Systems Research and Practice (JISRP) 
    Subjects Information Systems
    Language English
    ISSN 1985-3920
    Frequency 4 issues per year
    Editor in Chief Editorial Members
    Publisher Dept of Information Systems | FCSIT | Uni Malaya
    Citation Analysis Google Scholar

    For Special Issue, please send your proposal to


    Tirai Panggung-Journal of Performing Artsis published once a year by the Faculty of Creative Arts, Universiti Malaya. The journal accepts articles and book, audio, and film reviews in Malay and English on topics related to Performing Arts. 

  • The International Journal of Palestine Studies

    The International Journal of Palestine Studies (IJPS) is a double-blind peer-reviewed, open-access journal that publishes two issues annually, in February and October. Dedicated to advancing knowledge and research on all matters related to Palestine, IJPS addresses broad, common concerns among scholars in areas such as human rights and life under occupation in Palestine while promoting rigorous empirical research. The journal serves as a bridge between academics, stakeholders, and policymakers, fostering communication among researchers across diverse fields, from science to social science.

    IJPS is the official journal of the Hashim Sani Centre for Palestine Studies (HSCPS). All articles published in IJPS are freely accessible electronically from the journal's website, with no subscription fees or other forms of payment required. Committed to maintaining high academic standards and an international reputation, IJPS welcomes original, theoretical, and practical submissions from scholars worldwide, guided by the insights and suggestions of its international advisory board.

  • Journal of Al-Falah


    AL-FALAH - Journal of Da'wah & Human Development is an international peer-reviewed journal published biannually (June and December) by  Department of Da'wah and Human Development, Academy of Islamic Studies, Universiti Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.


    The journal is committed to the advancement of scholarly knowledge related to da’wah and human development area by encouraging discussion among the several branches of Islamic research, humanities and other interdisciplinary studies. Al-FALAH is aimed to provide fresh and insightful Islamic responses to the intellectual challenges of the modern world and to serve as a platform for the exchange of recent scholarly contributions adhering to international standards of methodology and scholarly presentations.


    The scope of the journal encompasses research topics that fall within the broad range of da’wah and human development such as da’wah school of thoughts, da’wah approaches and strategies, da’wah scholars, media in da’wah, Islamic psychological constructs, Islamic psychological inquiry, spiritually oriented and culturally sensitive therapy, and counseling interventions. Although the journal would focus mainly on such works, articles in other disciplines that can contribute toward the development of da’wah are gladly welcomed.  


    A wide variety of submissions are welcomed from local and internationally researchers, scholars, practitioners, and other reflective-minded individuals who are passionate about ideas, methods, and analyses permeating  to da’wah and human development study. These pages are open to a variety of forms: original, scholarly activity such as qualitative and quantitative research, book reviews, critical commentaries, editorials, or debates concerning pertinent issues and topics which may interest and pique readers.


    The journal pursues a trilingual publishing policy (Malay, English and Arabic). The Editorial Board reserves the right to decide which language an article will appear in and will undertake to provide professionally acceptable translations.


    The journal practices a blind peer-reviewed system. Each paper will be evaluated by two appointed reviewers. The appointment of the reviewer will be done according to the existing procedures.


    The journal contains a minimum 10 papers for each issues, in addition to book reviews which will also be included if available.


    The International Journal of China Studies is a biannual academic journal focusing on contemporary China in issues pertaining to the fields of political, social and economic development, trade and commerce, foreign relations, regional security and other domains of the social sciences in the context of, more specifically, today’s Mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong or Macau. The journal is abstracted/indexed in Scopus, International Political Science Abstracts, International Bibliography of the Social Sciences, Bibliography of Asian Studies, EconLit, eJEL, JEL on CD, Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory, Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory, Reference Corporation’s Asia-Pacific Database, ProQuest Political Science and Research Library, ABI/INFORM Complete, ABI/INFORM Global, PAIS (Public Affairs Information Service) International, CSA (formerly Cambridge Scientific Abstracts) Worldwide Political Science Abstracts and NLB’s ISI (Index to Singapore Information).

    ISSN   : 2180-3250
    Publisher  : Institute of China Studies, Universiti Malaya
    Publication Type   : Online
    Publication frequency: 2 time(s) per year (June and December) 
    Peer Review : Double Blind

  • Journal of Educational Research

    The Journal of Educational Research (issn 0126-5261) is a printed journal which double-blind peer reviewed published by the Faculty of Education, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur. It is published once a year (December) in English and in Bahasa Malaysia.

    The Journal of Educational Research publishes research employing a variety of methods and approaches that address theoretical and philosophical issues pertinent to education. Innovative and provocative scholarship informed by diverse orientations is encouraged. The journal aims to stimulate a problem-oriented, critical approach to research and practice, with an increasing emphasis on inter-disciplinary research in both local and international perspectives

  • New Explorations in Electrical Engineering

    Journal of New Explorations in Electrical Engineering (NECE), is the official publication of the Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Malaya, Malaysia. The journal is open to submission from scholars and experts in the areas of electrical engineering technologies.

    The scope of the journal includes issues in the field of Electrical Engineering. Included are techniques for Electrical Power, Automation and Control, Computer Engineering, Electronics, Microelectronics and Photonics, Electro-physics and Electromagnetism, Material Science, Measurement and Metrology, Signal Processing and Telecommunications

    Papers based on novel methodologies and implementations, creative and innovative electrical engineering associated but not restricted to the topics above are particularly welcome.

    Journal Summary

    Journal Title New Explorations in Electrical Engineering (NECE)
    Subjects Electrical Engineering
    Language English
    Frequency 3 issues per year
    Editor in Chief Prof. Ir. Dr. Kaharudin Dimyati
    Publisher Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Malaya
    Citation Analysis Google Scholar

    For Special Issue, please send your proposal to

  • AEI Insights

    AEI Insights is an annual double blind peer-reviewed journal dedicated to the publication of academic research and policy analyses of the highest quality focusing on the interregional dynamics between Asia and Europe. The journal's scope encompasses comparative and single-region studies, with an emphasis on cross-regional implications and interdependencies. The journal seeks to explore the complex interplay of international relations, geopolitics, and economic policies that shape the Asian and European landscapes. Of particular interest are the multifaceted impact of big power foreign policy on both continents, including the influence of overarching paradigms, such as the Washington Consensus, the geopolitical ramifications of political, economic and security arrangements like the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (QSD), the three-way military security alliance between Australia, United Kingdom, and the United States (AUKUS), the Indo-Pacific initiative, and the Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS) inter-governmental organization. In addition, given the growing importance of the Association of the Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) in world politics and economics, the journal welcomes novel articulations of the political economy relations between the region and other regions and countries in the world. While the journal allows submissions using disciplinary lenses, it prefers analytic frameworks anchored on interdisciplinary approaches. Although the geographical focus is on Asia and Europe, the journal also welcomes theoretical, conceptual, and methodological submissions that focus on empirical analysis from the continents of Africa, North America, South America, Australasia, and Antarctica.

  • Journal of Statistical Modeling & Analytics (JOSMA)

    Journal of Statistical Modeling and Analytics (JOSMA) (ISSN: 2180-3102) is a biannually (April and November) peer-reviewed journal published by the Institute of Statistics Malaysia (ISMy) and Centre for Foundation Studies in Science, Universiti Malaya.  It provides a platform that presents manuscripts devoted to all types of research in Statistical Modelling and Analytics fields. JOSMA is currently undergoing a substantial relaunch and we do look forward contributions from members as well as academicians world wide.  


    JOSMA is indexed by MyJurnal and Google Scholar.


  • Research in Languages and Linguistics Studies Journal (RiLLS)

    Research in Language and Linguistics Studies (RiLLS) is an open access resource promoting young scholars and researchers in the field of linguistics and language research. RiLLS highlights high quality and innovative scholarship in a variety of areas in linguistics and language research for an international audience. The journal also actively promotes intra-linguistics research, as well as interdisciplinary research in languages and linguistics.


  • International Halal Knowledge

    International Halal Knowledge (IHK) is a multi-discipline peer-reviewed journal on Halal field published annually by University of Malaya Halal Research Centre (UMHRC), University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur. This journal is double-blind review concerned with research results in the science and social sciences in the area of Halal. IJHR employs a blind review process. Contributions in English/Bahasa Malaysia/ Bahasa Indonesia should not exceed 8000 words for the full paper, 5000 words for review essay and 1500 words for a book review. All research papers must include a literature review, theoretical framework and methods.  All citations and references must follow APA style.

  • Journal Of Project Management Practice (JPMP)

    The Journal of Project Management Practice (JPMP) (E-ISSN : 2805-4768) seeks to advance the theory, research and practice of all aspects of project management. The JPMP publishes peer reviewed scholarly articles, qualitative, quantitative or other methods research papers as well as theoretical and exploratory papers. In order to link theory with practice it also publishes original and innovative practice case studies which are reviewed for relevance to readers. By taking a broader organisational perspective and by covering a wider range of industries and professions, JPMP will appeal to a wider readership which includes not only those with an interest in mainstream project management topics but also those who engaged in an unlimited variety of projects in multidisciplinary approaches across all sectors such as building and construction, engineering, oil and gas, business and finance, information technology, healthcare, aviation, maritime and defence.

  • International STEM Journal

    ISJ - International STEM Journal is an international peer review journal published twice a year (June and December) by Centre For Foundation Studies In Science, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Its publishes articles and research papers concerning STEM and STEM education which includes Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. ISJ employs a double-blind review process and the purpose of this journal is to share knowledge about STEM learning and strengthen the science and mathematics education.


  • MALINDO - Journal of Malaysian and Indonesian Studies

    MALINDO-Journal of Malaysian and Indonesian Studies (MALINDO JOURNAL) is a peer-reviewed journal that is committed to the publication of scholarship in the social sciences, arts and humanities on Malaysian and Indonesian studies. It mainly focuses on the discourse on research findings of the studies. Original article on specific topics like arts, literature, language, history, archaeology, anthropology, sociology, heritage, tourism, etc. are welcome to be published in this journal. This journal also publishes special issues focusing on a particular theme or topic. The journal is published two times a year, in April and October. MALINDO JOURNAL employs a double-blind review process. Contribution in English or Bahasa Melayu/Indonesia (with an extended abstract in English) should be typed single-spaced and between 6000-8000 for a full paper, 5000 words for a review paper and 1500 words for a book review. All citations and references must strictly follow the latest version of APA format. 

    eISSN: 2710-7248
    Publisher: Universiti Malaya
    Publication Type: Online
    Publication frequency: 2 time(s) per year (April and October) 
    Peer Review: Double-blind
    No. of articles: 10 - 15 per issue

  • Journal of Issue In Education

    The Journal of Issues in Education is a printed journal (ISSN 0126-5024) which double-blind peer reviewed published by the Faculty of Education, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur. It is published once a year (December) in English and in Bahasa Malaysia. The purpose of JIIE is to understand the dilemmas, conflicts, issues and current possibilities which focus directly to the research of Malaysia's School Education and to provide the recommendation on “cutting edge issues” which would be a research focus in future. 

  • Malaysian NANO-An International Journal

    Malaysian NANO-An International Journal (MNIJ) offers a multidisciplinary source of information on all subjects and topics related to Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. MNIJ aims to offer researchers, academics, students and interested individuals worldwide an opportunity to get informed of the latest advancements in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology.

    Special issues are regularly devoted to research and development of nanotechnology in individual countries and on specific topics. The articles featured in special issues for MNIJ are by invitation only.
    MNIJ is an international peer-reviewed open-access journal, a multi-disciplinary journal twice yearly published by the Nanotechnology & Catalysis Research Centre, University of Malaya, Malaysia. 
    eISSN                             : 2805-5152
    Publisher                        : Nanotechnology and Catalysis Research Centre (NANOCAT)
    Publication frequency   : 2 time(s) per year
    Fee                                  : No fee charges
  • Online Journal of Islamic Management and Finance (OJIMF)

    The Online Journal of Islamic Management and Finance (e-ISSN: 2785-9398) is a blind peer-reviewed journal published bi-annually (April and October) by Department of Shariah and Management,  Academy of Islamic Studies, University of Malaya. It is an online and open access journal comprising manuscripts in Malay, English and Arabic languages. OJIMF welcomes manuscript submissions that cover multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary studies associated with Islamic management and finance, which may range from  management, administration, marketing, entrepreneurship, human resource management, ethics, accounting, finance to banking. The Online Journal of Islamic Management and Finance (OJIMF) is currently accepting manuscripts for publication such as literature review, conceptual framework, case studies, theoretical and empirical research papers. It is indexed in myjurnal : E-ISSN: 2785-9398




  • Journal of Student Holistic and Academic Enrichment

    Journal of Student Holistic and Academic Enrichment (JSHAE) is an international refereed academic journal published by the Centre for Internship Training and Academic enrichment (CITrA), University of Malaya. The Journal pursues a bilingual publishing policy (Bahasa Malaysia and English) that is published twice a year (June and December). Among its aims is to be a platform for academicians to contribute and share their research works and writings regarding holistic student, academic enrichment and behavioural sciences. It also aims to discuss and articulate comprehensively issues related to holistic student, enabling knowledge sharing pertaining to student engagement strategies, internship and university-community partnership with the broader community of practitioners.

  • SAMUDERA - Journal of Maritime and Coastal Studies

    SAMUDERA-Journal of Maritime and Coastal Studies, a multidisciplinary double-blind peer-reviewed journal published bi-annually by Institute of Ocean and Earth Sciences (IOES), University of Malaya. The publication is concerned with research findings related to the maritime and coastal studies in the form of articles and book reviews which covers social sciences and humanities. Scientific research and output which contribute to people and community of the maritime and coastal are welcome. All papers are in English (preferably British English) and must include abstract with a minimum of five keywords, Introduction, background, problem statement, research questions and objectives, literature review and theoretical framework, methodology, findings, analysis and discussion. The length is between 6,000-8,000 words. The citations and references should strictly follow the latest version of APA style.

    eISSN : 2710-5806
    Publisher : University of Malaya
    Publication type : Online
    Publication frequency: 2 time(s) per year, March and September
    Peer review type : Double- blind

  • Malaysian Catalysis-An International Journal

    Malaysian Catalysis-An International Journal (MCIJ) is an open access international peer-reviewed journal published by Nanotechnology & Catalysis Research Center (NANOCAT) in association with University of Malaya This journal is dedicated to publications of original research in all aspects of catalysis, including Heterogeneous Catalysis, Homogeneous Catalysis, Environmental Catalysis, Energy-Oriented Catalysis, ElectroCatalysis, PhotoCatalysis  OrganoCatalysis, biocatalysis, surface science, and catalysis-related chemical kinetics. This journal accepts original research article, reviews, short communication and letters. MCIJ will be published biannually and also themed special issue by invitation edited by prominent Guest editors.
    eISSN                              : 2811-3756
    Publisher                        : Nanotechnology and Catalysis Research Centre (NANOCAT)
    Publication frequency  : 2 time(s) per year
  • Journal of Tamil Peraivu (தமிழ்ப் பேராய்வு ஆய்விதழ்)

    TAMILPERAIVU - Journal of Tamil Peraivu is an international tamil language peer-reviewed journal published by Indian Studies Department, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Malaya. It reflects on the full range of current scholarly works on tamil language and indian culture from various perspectives. All submitted manuscripts undergo an initial screening by an editor and then a rigorous peer-review, and finally an editorial scrutiny. We encourage researchers from all over the world to submit more articles to this journal.

    eISSN                                  :2636-946X
    Print ISSN                          : 2286-8379
    Publisher                           : University of Malaya
    Publication type              : Print/ E-Print
    Publication frequency   : 2 time(s) per year

  • Journal of Sinological Studies 漢學研究學刊

    Journal of Sinological Studies (ISSN 2180-4729), published by the Department of Chinese Studies, University of Malaya, is a peer-reviewed multi-lingual, mainly English and Chinese, and multi-disciplinary international journal that publishes research findings on classical Chinese Studies, in the areas of Chinese classics, history, philosophy and thought, literature, and religion.

    The journal has signed a Memorandum of Understanding and is currently in collaboration with the Journal of Confucian Philosophy and Culture published by Sungkyunkwan University, Korea.

  • MOJES: Malaysian Online Journal of Educational Sciences

    The Malaysian Online Journal of Educational Sciences (MOJES) (eissn: 2289-3024) is double-blind peer reviewed, international academic journal published by the Faculty of Education, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur. MOJES serves as a forum of researchers, staff and students to raise issues across disciplinary boundaries and facilitate exchange of views in the field of educational science. This journal is published electronically four times a year. After the preliminary review by our Editorial Board, suitable research-based manuscripts will be sent out to undergo the normal peer-reviewing process which will normally last for 3 to 6 months, depending on the availability of referees and their willingness to review the article. MOJES has its own online journal system and supports open access. The electronic full text version of the journal is available free of charge.

  • QURANICA - International Journal of Quranic Research

    QURANICA - International Journal of Quranic Research (ISSN 2289-5396 | eISSN 2590-4167) is an international trilingual (Arabic, English & Malay) peer-reviewed bi-annual journal published by Centre of Quranic Research (CQR), Universiti Malaya. This QURANICA journal has replaced the formerly journal known as International Journal on Quranic Research (ISSN 2180-4893), and it has been considered as a continuation of the previously published issues. It reflects on the full range of current scholarly works on Quranic Studies. All submitted manuscripts will undergo an initial screening by an editor and then a rigorous double-blind peer-review process, and finally, editorial scrutiny. More >>>


    Jurnal Melayu Sedunia (e-ISSN 2637-0751) diterbitkan sekali setahun (pada November) oleh Akademi Pengajian Melayu, Universiti Malaya. Jurnal ini menerbitkan artikel berasaskan dasar pihak profesional, prinsip amalan dan kemajuan dalam bidang Pengajian Melayu. Jurnal Melayu Sedunia menerima artikel, nota penyelidikan dan ulasan buku dalam bahasa Melayu dan Inggeris yang berkaitan dengan dunia Melayu. Jurnal ini bertujuan untuk memberi ruang komunikasi antara pakar-pakar Melayu dan golongan profesional bagi memperkenalkan pemikiran baru, analisis, konsep-konsep, teori dan apa-apa aspek dalam bidang pengajian Melayu. Jurnal ini menggunakan sistem semakan 'double-blind peer review'.

    The Journal of Malay World (e-ISSN 2637-0751) is published annually by the Academy of Malay Studies, University of Malaya. The journal publishes original articles based on professional policies, practices principles and progress in the field of Malay Studies. The journal accepts articles and book reviews both in Malay and English on topics pertaining in the Malay world. The journal aims to provide a forum for communication among Malay experts, professionals, to introduce new thought, concepts, theory, and systems. This journal uses double-blind peer review process.

  • Journal of Research Management and Governance

    The Journal of Research Management and Governance (JRMG) (e-ISSN: 2637-1103) is a peer reviewed and open access journal published by Universiti Malaya. The main aim of JRMG is to provide a platform for the sharing of knowledge in the broad area of research management and governance. Articles published in JRMG cover all aspects related to the management and governance of research in higher education, research institutes and organisations, as well as funding bodies and agencies.

  • Educational Leader (PEMIMPIN PENDIDIKAN)

    Educational Leader (Pemimpin Pendidikan) is a double-blind peer-review, open access online journal produced by the Department of Educational Management, Planning, and Policy, Faculty of Education, University of Malaya. It invites the submission of manuscripts that contribute to the improvement of quality of educational leadership, management, planning, and policies. All manuscripts related to theoretical and methodological approaches are welcome. The journal is interested in manuscripts that explore causal relationships of leadership, management, policies, and other outcome variables, or qualitative-contextual case studies pertaining to leadership practices, challenges, and educational transformations. 

    Thank you for your commitment and contributions to PEMIMPIN Journal over the years of publications. We wish you all the best in your future academic endeavors and scholarly work. It has been a privilege to work with each one of you.

    Warm regards,

    Editor-in-Chief, PEMIMPIN (Educational Leader) Journal]


    e-ISSN: 2601-0011


  • WILAYAH: The International Journal of East Asian Studies

    Aim and Scope

    WILAYAH: The International Journal of East Asian Studies (formerly known as IJEAS : International Journal of East Asian Studies) aims to provide a platform for exchanges of ideas related to the East Asian region with particular emphasis on Japan, China and Korea. It offers informative and insightful multidisciplinary discourse for academics, policymakers and students alike. The result is a provocative exploration of the most pressing East Asian political, economic and social challenges of our time. WILAYAH is a blind peer-reviewed publication by the Department of East Asian Studies, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Malaya, Malaysia.

    eISSN: 2785-941X / 2462-2257
    Print ISSN: 2232-0679
    Publication Type: Electronic and Print
    Publication frequency: 1 time, per year. (In March every year starting 2021. Previous years published in every December)
    Journal Website:
    Publisher: Department of East Asian Studies, University of Malaya, Malaysia
    Indexing and Abstracting: MyJournal; CrossRefDirectory of Open Acess Scholarly Resources (ROAD)
  • Jurnal Bahasa dan Budaya Jepun

    Jurnal Bahasa Dan Budaya Jepun adalah jurnal penilaian sebaya yang diterbitkan oleh Ambang Asuhan Jepun, Pusat Asasi Sains, Universiti Malaya.

  • Al-Ḍād Journal

    Al-Ḍād Journal is an internationally refereed scholarly online journal published by the Department of Arabic and Middle Eastern Languages, Faculty of Languages and Linguistics, Universiti Malaya. Interest areas of research include language, literary criticism, rhetoric, grammar, semantics, sounds, dictionaries, language teaching, history of linguistics, civilization, culture, and other linguistic studies. It is published twice a year on the Web (July and December). Papers will be published in Arabic, English, and Malay. Papers on theories and practices including those on discussions of and reflections on methods, techniques and ideas useful in the classroom are welcomed. There must be critical discussions of the issues, new and significant contribution to the related field. Papers should not be less than 15 pages and not more than 25 pages.

    (e-ISSN: 2637-1146)

  • Journal of Indian Studies (இந்திய ஆய்விதழ்)

    Journal of Indian Studies is published annually.  It is published in the month of June every year. The current Editor–in-Chief of this journal is Dr Mohana Dass Ramasamy.

    Print ISSN                         : 1675-171X 
    Online ISSN                      : 2735-0037
    Publisher                          : Department of Indian Studies, University of Malaya
    Publication type             : Print/ E-Print
    Publication frequency  : 1 time per year

     Jurnal Pengajian India diterbitkan setiap tahun. Ia diterbitkan pada bulan Jun setiap tahun. Editor-in-Chief semasa jurnal ini ialah Dr. Mohana Dass Ramasamy.

    Print ISSN                         : 1675-171X  
    Online ISSN                      : 2735-0037 
    Publisher                          : Jabatan Pengajian India, Universiti Malaya
    Publication type             : Print/ E-Print
    Frekuansi Publikasi       : 1 kali setahun

  • SEJARAH: Journal of the Department of History

    SEJARAH, the journal of the Department of History, Faculty  of Arts and Social Sciences,  University of Malaya, is a blind peer-reviewed  multi-disciplinary journal published  twice a year in April/May and October/November. SEJARAH covers a wide range of topics in history with a strong emphasis on Malaysian and Southeast Asian history.


  • International Journal of Property Sciences (E-ISSN: 2229-8568)



    The International Journal of Property Sciences (IJPS) provides immediate access to academic articles, review papers, case studies and  pedagogical material in the areas of Real Estate and Property Economics, Urban and Regional Sciences, Property Finance, Urban Development and Planning, Property Management and all related fields that are related to Property. 

    Frequency: Yearly (August) 
    Language: English and Bahasa Malaysia
    Indexing: MyJurnal, Google Scholar, UDLedge Beta
    e-ISSN: 2229-8568



  • Malaysian Journal of Science

    Malaysian Journal of Science (MJS) is the official peer-reviewed open-access journal of the Faculty of Science, Universiti Malaya. Starting in 2024, the regular publication of issues will occur quarterly in March, June, September, and December. Previously, it was published three times a year in February, June, and October. MJS is indexed in Scopus, Google Scholar, Chemical Abstracts Service DatabaseASEAN Citation Index (ACI), EBSCOhost, and MYCite.

    MJS is a reputable journal with a growing audience, which focuses on current developments in all disciplines of science. The journal publishes original articles, review articles, short communications, and case reports that are of importance to the scientific community. 

    eISSN           : 2600-8688
    Print ISSN   : 1394-3065
    Publisher    : Faculty of Science, Universiti Malaya 

  • Unit Sokong Penyelidikan, IPPP

    Please limit the number of word is the journal summary (max 200).  Example: Nature is an English multidisciplinary scientific journal, first published on 4 November 1869. It was ranked the world's most cited scientific journal by the Science Edition of the 2010 Journal Citation Reports, is ascribed an impact factor of approximately 38.1, and is widely regarded as one of the few remaining academic journals that publishes original research across a wide range of scientific fields. Nature claims an online readership of about 3 million unique readers per month. The journal has a weekly circulation of around 53,000 but studies have concluded that on average a single copy is shared by as many as eight people.

  • Journal of Chinese Literature And Culture 馬大華人文學與文化學刊

    The Journal of Chinese Literature and Culture (JCLC) is a multi-disciplinary journal publication published bi-annually to provide a platform for excellent academicians or postgraduate students to publish their research findings. Contributions of articles based on original research are invited from scholars working in the field of Chinese literature and culture.


  • Journal of Modern Languages

    Founded in 1983 as Jurnal Bahasa Moden, the Journal of Modern Languages (JML) is now an international peer-reviewed, open access journal published by Universiti Malaya in Malaysia. It is devoted to publishing manuscripts that contribute to current understandings of central issues in the field of language studies. JML encourages interdisciplinary approaches to language research and studies which have real-world applications.

    Focus and Scope: JML welcomes original papers in the following areas:

    • Applied Linguistics (preferably beyond language learning and teaching)
    • Corpus Linguistics
    • Descriptive Linguistics
    • Discourse Studies
    • Phonetics and Phonology
    • Psycholinguistics
    • Sociolinguistics
    • Translation and Interpretation Studies


    Print ISSN: 1675-526X

    Online ISSN: 2462-1986

    Frequency: Twice a year

    Page charges: None

    Publisher: Universiti Malaya

    Publication type: Online

  • JuKu: Jurnal Kurikulum & Pengajaran Asia Pasifik

    The Asia Pacific Journal of Curriculum & Teaching (JuKu) (eissn: 2289-3008) is an interdisciplinary on-line fully open access refereed journal. It is published four times a year (January/April/July/October) in English and in Bahasa Malaysia. JuKu serves as a platform for discussions on emerging issues related to curriculum and teaching. JuKu is fully committed in ensuring high quality research-based publications.

    Jurnal Kurikulum & Pengajaran Asia Pasifik (JuKu) (eissn: 2289-3008) merupakan jurnal berwasit antara disiplin atas talian (open access). Jurnal ini diterbitkan empat kali setahun (Januari/April/Julai/Oktober) dalam Bahasa Inggeris dan Bahasa Malaysia. JuKu berfungsi sebagai platform untuk membincangkan isu-isu memuncul yang berkaitan dengan bidang Kurikulum dan Pengajaran. JuKu komited sepenuhnya  dalam memastikan penerbitan berasaskan penyelidikan yang berkualiti tinggi.

  • Al-Muqaddimah: Online Journal of Islamic History and Civilization

    Journal al-Muqaddimah is an academic journal published by the Department of Islamic History and Civilization, Academy of Islamic Studies, Universiti Malaya. The Journal aims is  to publish the results of studies at undergraduate and PhD levels to share the latest knowledge and information in various fields of scholarship related to Islamic Civilization.

  • Asia Pacific Online Journal of Arabic Studies

    Asia Pacific Online Journal of Arabic Studies (APOJAS) (eISSN 2600-7185) is an international, peer-reviewed journal in the field of professional discipline related to the Arabic studies. APOJAS serves as a platform to present and discuss the issues that emerged in modern age. The Journal is committed to publish the articles have high-quality in Arabic fields, written in Arabic, Malay and English languages, including original research papers in the field of Arabic. The journal welcomes original researches and qualified articles on large range of Arabic studies, such as language structures, rhetorical sciences, semantics and pragmatics, language education, historical linguistics, sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, language acquisition, discourse analysis, Arabic literature and comparative linguistic studies in the field of language and linguistics.

  • Jurnal Peradaban

    Jurnal PERADABAN yang telah mula diterbitkan pada tahun 2008 merupakan jurnal berwasit yang diminati pembaca terutamanya dalam bidang kemanusiaan, sains sosial dan sains tabii. Jurnal yang menerbitkan artikel dalam Bahasa Melayu ini juga merupakan satu platform untuk berdialog tentang pelbagai isu berdasarkan pengamatan dan penilaian kritis serta menerima artikel penyelidikan, kertas teori, atau ulasan buku yang menyentuh mana-mana aspek berkenaan wacana tentang peradaban dan dialog antara budaya, pandangan alam serta kepercayaan, falsafah, bahasa dan pengetahuan sains.

    ISSN: 1985-6296
    eISSN: 2636-9257
    Kekerapan: Setiap tahun
     Bahasa Malaysia

  • International Journal of Renewable Energy Resources

    IJRER (ISSN 2289-1846) accepts original research papers or any other original contribution in the form of reviews and report on new concepts. It promotes innovation, papers of a tutorial nature and a general exchange of news, views and new books on the above subjects. The scope of the journal encompasses the following: Photovoltaic Technology Conversion, Solar Thermal Application, Biomass Conversion, Wind Energy Technology, Materials Science Technology, Solar and Low Energy Architecture, Energy Conservation in Buildings, Climatology , Socio-economic, Energy Management, Solar Cells, Bio and hydrogen energy. 

  • Jurnal Pengajian Melayu (JOMAS)

    Jurnal Pengajian Melayu or the Journal of Malay Studies (JOMAS) (e-ISSN: 2735-1904 & ISSN: 1823-7622) is published biannually in April and October by the Academy of Malay Studies, Universiti Malaya. (Previously published annually until 2021, Jurnal Pengajian Melayu (Journal of Malay Studies, JOMAS) recently started to publish biannually). The journal publishes original articles based on professional policies, practices and progress in the field of Malay studies. The journal accepts articles and book reviews both in Malay and English on topics pertaining to the Malay world. The journal aims to provide a forum for communication among experts and professionals to introduce new thoughts, concepts, theories and systems. This journal uses double-blind review, which means that both the reviewer’s and author’s identities are concealed from each other and vice versa, throughout the review process. 


    Jurnal Pengajian Melayu atau Journal of Malay Studies (JOMAS) (e-ISSN: 2735-1904 & ISSN: 1823-7622) diterbitkan dua kali setahun pada April dan Oktober oleh Akademi Pengajian Melayu, Universiti Malaya. (Sebelum ini diterbitkan satu kali setahun sehingga 2021 dan kini mula diterbitkan dua kali setahun). Jurnal ini menerbitkan artikel asal berbentuk dasar profesional, amalan dan kemajuan dalam bidang Pengajian Melayu. Jurnal ini menerima artikel dan ulasan buku dalam bahasa Melayu dan Inggeris berkaitan dengan Alam Melayu. Jurnal ini menyediakan forum untuk komunikasi dalam kalangan pakar dan profesional bagi memperkenalkan pemikiran baharu, konsep, teori dan sistem. Jurnal ini menggunakan semakan setara dua pihak, iaitu identiti penilai dan penulis dirahsiakan antara satu sama lain dan begitu juga sebaliknya sepanjang proses penilaian dilakukan.


  • Malaysian Journal of Computer Science

    The Malaysian Journal of Computer Science (ISSN 0127-9084) is published four times a year in January, April, July and October by the Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology, University of Malaya, since 1985. Over the years, the journal has gained popularity and the number of paper submissions has increased steadily. The rigorous reviews from the referees have helped in ensuring that the high standard of the journal is maintained.

    The objectives are to promote exchange of information and knowledge in research work, new inventions/developments of Computer Science and on the use of Information Technology towards the structuring of an information-rich society and to assist the academic staff from local and foreign universities, business and industrial sectors, government departments and academic institutions on publishing research results and studies in Computer Science and Information Technology through a scholarly publication. 

    The journal is being indexed and abstracted by Clarivate Analytics' Web of Science (Q4 of Journal Citation Report Rank)


    The journal is also abstracting in Elsevier's Scopus (Q3 of SCIMAGO Journal Rank)


    The MJCS is a recipient of the CREAM (2017) and CREME Awards (2019) by the Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia.     



    JATI-Journal of Southeast Asian Studies is a multi-discipline peer-reviewed international journal on Southeast Asian social sciences and humanities published twice a year by the Department of Southeast Asian Studies, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur. JATI employs a double-blind review concerned with research results in the social sciences and humanities in the area of Southeast Asia. JATI  is indexed in the Web of Science Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), MYCite and  UDLedge: Social Science & Humanities Citation Index (SS&HCI).  Contributions in English: 7,000-8000 words for the full paper, 5000 words for a review article and 1500 words for a book review. All research papers must include a literature review, theoretical framework and methods, findings and discussions.  All citations and references must follow the latest APA style (version 7). 

    eISSN: 2600-8653
    Print ISSN: 1823-4127
    Publisher: University of Malaya
    Publication Type: Online
    Publication frequency: 2 time(s) per year, June and December
    No. of articles: 10 - 20 



  • MOJPC: Malaysia Online Journal of Psychology & Counselling

    Malaysia Online Journal of Psyhcology & Counselling is double-blind peer reviewed, international, professional refereed journal in the interdisciplinary fields relevant to Psychology & Counselling. The Malaysia Online Journal of Psychology & Counselling serves as a platform for presenting and discussing the emerging issues in psychology and counselling-related areas. The journal aims to promote dialogue and exchange of information about psychology & counselling, particularly in the Asia Pacific region, as well as internationally.  
  • SARE: Southeast Asian Review of English

    SARE: Southeast Asian Review of English is an international peer-reviewed journal founded in 1980. It publishes scholarly articles and reviews, interviews, and other lively and critical interventions.

    Serving as an electronic journal from 2016, SARE aims to be a key critical forum for original research and fresh conversations from all over the world on the literatures, languages, and cultures of Southeast, South, and East Asia. It particularly welcomes theoretically-informed articles on the literary and other cultural productions of these regions.

    SARE has been committed from its inception to featuring original and unpublished poems and short fiction.  

  • Malaysian Journal of Economic Studies

    The Malaysian Journal of Economic Studies (previously the Kajian Ekonomi Malaysia) is published twice a year in June and December by the Persatuan Ekonomi Malaysia (Malaysian Economic Association) with the Faculty of Business and Economics, Universiti Malaya.

  • Jurnal Pengajian Media Malaysia

    Aims and Scope

    Jurnal Pengajian Media Malaysia, JPMM (Malaysian Journal of Media Studies) is a peer reviewed interdisciplinary journal in media and communication studies. Contributions of research articles, theoretical papers, concepts paper as well as article/ book reviews  in media and communication studies and related fields are welcomed. The journal provides an intellectual venue for academics, postgraduate students and practitioners in the field of human services to debate on the various issues in the area of studies aforementioned. Authors can submit their manuscripts in either English or Malay language.

    Publication Frequency

    Published twice a year, Jun and December

    ISSN 1511-2284E-ISSN 2231-8143

    Jurnal Pengajian Media Malaysia at is licensed under a creative commons attribution 4.0 international  license.


  • Jurnal Syariah

    Jurnal Syariah is a multidisciplinary academic journal published semiannually by the Academy of Islamic Studies, Universiti Malaya since 1993. The Jurnal Syariah provides a significant platform for scholars to publish writings on Shariah Studies in its classical and contemporary perspectives. This includes the discussion on fiqh and its jurisprudence, economics, law, political sciences, public administrations and social Sciences. The journal welcomes submission of articles, research papers, report on Shariah court cases and book reviews in the field of Shariah studies. Since 2008, Jurnal Syariah has increased its publication to thrice a year.
  • Malaysian Journal of Tropical Geography (MJTG)

    The Malaysian Journal of Tropical Geography (MJTG) is published by the Department of Geography, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Malaya. Submissions in the areas of human geography, physical geography, regional geography, environmental studies, GIS and remote sensing are welcome. 


  • KATHA- The Official Journal of the Centre for Civilisational Dialogue

    Journal KATHA first published in 2005, is a peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary journal with readership throughout the field of humanities, social and natural sciences. It provides a platform for scholars, experts, researchers, practitioners, and students to publish original research, review papers, and other scholarly works. The journal invites research articles, theoretical papers, as well as book reviews touching upon any aspect of intercivilisational or intercultural discourses on worldviews and faiths, philosophies, languages and knowledges of science.

    Print ISSN: 1823-2159 

    Online eISSN: 2636-9265 

    Frequency: Yearly  

    Language: English 


  • Journal of Islamic Educational Research

    Journal of Islamic Educational Research (JIER) is currently accepting manuscripts for publication. JIER, a single blind peer-reviewed journal, is published by Islamic Education Programme, Academy of Islamic Studies, University of Malaya. It is an online and open access journal comprises manuscripts in Malay, English and Arabic languages. It has been launched during International Seminar on Empowering Islamic Education 2016 (MADRASAH 2016).

  • Journal of Special Needs Education

    This is an official journal of the National Association of Special Education, Malaysia


    Al­-Basirah Journal is a refereed academic journal published by Academy of Islamic Studies, University Malaya Education Centre. The journal provides articles written by academia on the areas of Islamic Studies. 

    Online ISSN 0128-3235

    Print ISSN 2232-0423

  • Journal of Surveying, Construction and Property

    Journal of Surveying, Construction & Property (JSCP) is a free open access publication that adopts an interdisciplinary, multifunctional approach, and welcomes contributions based on original empirical research and the observations of experienced practitioners. The JSCP is devoted to the publication of original research in the areas of Surveying, Property, Real Estate and Valuation, Building, Construction and Urban Studies.

    Frequency: Yearly (June)

    Language: English 

    E-ISSN: 1985-7527


    Indexing: MyCite, Era 2012, Google Scholar, UDLedge Science Citation Index (SciCI) & Focus (Journals and Conference Proceedings)



  • Online Journal of Research in Islamic Studies

    The Online Journal of Research in Islamic Studies (RIS) is a blind, peer-reviewed, and entirely open-access online journal published two times a year (June and December) beginning in 2022 by the Academy of Islamic Studies, University of Malaya. Previously, the publication frequency was three times per year. RIS welcomes manuscript submissions that cover multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary studies associated with Islamic studies, including but not limited to scientific research, technological advancements, historical analysis, geographical studies, philosophical inquiries, legal perspectives, literary analysis and interpretation psychology investigations into language acquisition and usage educational practices in Islamic societies environmental concerns impacting Muslim communities sociological studies on religious practices ethical considerations associated with Islam and comparative analyses between different cultures or religions. RIS encourages the submission of articles in various languages, including English, Malay, and Arabic.

  • Malaysian Journal of Performing and Visual Arts

    The Malaysian Journal of Performing and Visual Arts is a fully peer-reviewed research journal that focuses on the Asian performing and visual arts. It is a forum for scholars in the fields of Asian music, dance, theatre, and visual arts. Published by the Faculty of Creative Arts, Universiti Malaya, it appears once a year in December, and will be an indexed periodical covered by a number of scientific indexing services. As an online e-journal, readers can obtain hardcopy on demand with a projected global dissemination through the open access policy on the University of Malaya e-journal website. We invite submissions of original articles from the entire scope of Asian performing and visual arts fields. Please see our website for further information. The journal encompasses articles, books and audio/video reviews, and notes on current research by scholars in the related arts fields. We further extend its scope to include practice-led research and exegesis, offering a critical platform for the academic exploration of practical work in the field. This approach encourages submissions that are accompanied by links to digital archives of artworks, performances, or any form of media that supports scholarly research. Therefore, we also invite contributions that employ and document artistic practices as a method of inquiry and that articulate the process and findings through exegesis, enriching the traditional academic narrative.  It is published in English and is issued annually in the month of December in online format with hard copy on demand. This journal is double-blind reviewed. For submission, see Information for Authors and Submission Rules.


    SARJANA is an international peer-reviewed multi-disciplinary journal published twice a year by the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Malaya.  SARJANA is indexed in UDLedge Social Sciences & Humanities Citation Index (SS&HCI), Google Scholar, the Malaysian Citation Centre - MyCite Citation Report and in the Bibliography of Asian Studies (Bibliography of Asian Studies (BAS) is the most comprehensive Western-language database for research on East, Southeast and South Asia. It covers all subjects with special focus on the humanities and social sciences). 




    Discipline(s) / Subdiscipline(s): 

    1. Arts & Humanities
             - Philosophy
             - Literature

             - Language

             - Religion

         2. Social Sciences
             - Area Studies
             - Political Science

             - Sociology

             - Anthropology

             - Development Studies

    E-ISSN: 2289-5434
    Print ISSN: 1823-7746
    Publisher: University of Malaya
    Publication type: Print & Electronic
    Publication frequency: 2 time(s) per year
    Journal Website:

    Contact Info

    Chief Editor,
    Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences,
    University of Malaya, Lembah Pantai,
    50603, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia



     SARJANA, the journal of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Malaya, is a multi-disciplinary journal published twice a year in June and December by the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Contributions of articles based on original research are invited from scholars working in the Humanities and Social Sciences. Articles should be between 5,000 to 8,000 words.

  • Asian Journal of Business and Accounting

    The Asian Journal of Business and Accounting (AJBA) is an international refereed journal, published twice a year by the Faculty of Business and Economics , (formerly known as Faculty of Business and Accounting) Universiti Malaya, Malaysia. Its aim is to publish scholarly business research on issues which are relevant to the Asian region, particularly those providing practical implications to promote better business decision making and public policy formulation.

            The journal covers a broad spectrum of business and accounting areas and its sub-areas. A suggestive (not necessarily comprehensive) list of areas include: auditing, banking, business strategy, corporate governance, entrepreneurship, finance and investments, financial and management accounting, financial economics, human resource management, information management, innovation and technology management, international business management, marketing, consumer behavior, operations and production management, organisational behaviour, public sector accounting, risk and insurance, strategic management, taxation, and tourism and hospitality.

    E-ISSN: 2180-3137
    Print ISSN: 1985-4064
    Publisher: University of Malaya
    Publication type: Print & Electronic
    Publication frequency: 2 time(s) per year (June and December)
    Journal Website:


  • Journal of International and Comparative Education (JICE)

    The Journal of International and Comparative Education (JICE) is an open-access journal which focuses on the emerging role of international and comparative education. JICE publishes peer-reviewed research and critical/theoretical reviews of issues in education as presented from a number of locations both at international and country levels. JICE provides theoretical and practical importance and relevance to scholars, policy-makers and practitioners alike with interest in the field of international and comparative education.

    Print ISSN: 2232-1802
    E-ISSN: 2289-2567
    PublisherUniversity of Malaya Press  


  • Journal of Informatics and Computational Biology

    The Journal of Informatics and Computational Biology (JICB) is an official journal of the University of Malaya which is managed by the Centre of Research in Systems Biology, Structural Bioinformatics and Human Digital Imaging (CRYSTAL). It is an international, peer-reviewed, open access journal with readership throughout the field of life and applied sciences. The JICB was established to provide a platform for scholars, experts, researchers, practitioners, and students from various fields to come together under a common interest in the field of bioinformatics and computational biology to publish original research, review papers, and other scholarly works that are freely accessible to the whole scientific community, locally and internationally. JICB invites research articles, theoretical papers, as well as book reviews touching upon any aspect of bioinformatics and computational biology.

  • Kekal Abadi

    Kekal Abadi was first published in March 1982 as Volume 1, number 1 and was published quarterly until volume 16 (1997). However, Volume 17 (1998) and Volume 18 (1999) were published as single issue volumes. From Volume 19 (2000) onwards, Kekal Abadi continued to be published twice yearly but Volume 24 (2005) and Volume 25 (2006) were again published as single issue volumes. We made a conscious decision to publish electronically and started this with Volume 30, number1 (2012). From Volume 31 (2013), the Library only publishes an electronic copy of Kekal Abadi which can be acccessed from this web page.

  • Malaysian Journal of Library and Information Science

    The Malaysian Journal of Library and Information Science (ISSN: 1394-6234) is published three times a year in April, August and December by the Department of Library & Information Science, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Universiti Malaya. The journal publishes original research articles in the field of library and information science (LIS) as well related domains that encapsulate information and knowledge. It also encourages contribution about professional policies, practices, principles and progress in the LIS fields. The journal aims to provide a forum for communications amongst LIS professionals especially within the Asia Pacific region, to introduce new concepts, methodologies, systems and technology. Between 1996 and 2008 the journal was published both in print and electronic. From 2009 onwards only the electronic version has been made available ( The journal is being indexed and abstracted by Clarivate Analytics' Web of Science (Q3) and Elsevier's Scopus (Q2). 


  • Jurnal Usuluddin

    Jurnal Usuluddin (ISSN: 1394-3723, E-ISSN: 0128-0708) adalah jurnal akademik berwasit dwi-tahunan yang diterbitkan oleh Akademi Pengajian Islam, Universiti Malaya, Kuala Lumpur. Ia menerbitkan makalah ilmiah dalam bidang Akidah dan Pemikiran Islam, Pengajian al-Qur'an dan al-Hadith, Sejarah dan Tamadun Islam serta Dakwah dan Pembangunan Insan dalam bahasa Melayu, Inggeris dan Arab.

    Journal of Usuluddin (ISSN: 1394-3723, E-ISSN: 0128-0708) is a referred biannual open-access blind-peer-reviewed research journal published by Academy of Islamic Studies, Universiti Malaya, Kuala Lumpur. It publishes scholarly articles on `Aqidah and Islamic Thought, Qur'anic and Prophetic Tradition Studies, Islamic History and Civilisation, Da`wah and Human Development in Malay, English, and Arabic.

    مجلة أصول الدين هي مجلة محكمة تصدرها أكاديمية الدراسات الإسلامية بجامعة ملايا بكوالا لمبور-ماليزيا, مرتين في السنة . تنشر المجلة الأبحاث العلمية في مجال  العقيدة والفكر الإسلامي, والدراسات القرآنية والحديثية, والتاريخ والحضارة الإسلامية, والدعوة والتنمية البشرية,  باللغة الملايوية والعربية والإنجليزية.


    E-ISSN  : 0128-0708
    ISSN : 1394-3723
    Publisher: Academy of Islamic Studies, Universiti Malaya
    Publication type: Online
    Publication frequency: 2 time(s) per year (June & December)


  • Asian Journal of Accounting Perspectives

    Aims and Scope
    Asian Journal of Accounting Perspectives (AJAP) is dedicated to providing a platform for researchers to discuss and forward issues affecting Asian countries, exchange ideas and share experiences related to their areas of expertise and interest in a broad accounting and finance research area. AJAP encourages submission to address current development in society and sustainability. We welcome quality research work in the form of a research paper, literature review paper, case study, conceptual paper, and book review that is well written and meet the aims and scope of AJAP.

    We welcome submissions of quality research for consideration and publication in Asian Journal of Accounting Perspectives (AJAP). Submissions can be made at any time with no article processing charge (APC). All submitted paper will undergo plagiarism screening. Paper that falls under AJAP's aims and scope will be handle by our editors. At least two independent reviewers experts in the subject area will be appointed for a double-blind review process. The average time of process paper from submission to first decision is within four weeks. AJAP publishes bi-annually at the end of February and end of August. The scope of AJAP includes, but is not limited to:

    • Accounting Information System
    • Auditing
    • Behavioural Accounting and Finance
    • Corporate Finance
    • Corporate Governance
    • Corporate Social Reporting, ESG, Integrated Reporting and Sustainability
    • Digital Accounting and Finance
    • Financial Accounting and Reporting
    • Financial Markets and Institutions
    • Green Finance
    • International Accounting and Finance
    • Islamic Accounting and Finance
    • Management Accounting and Control Systems
    • Sustainability and Environmental Management Accounting
    • Performance Management Systems
    • Public Sector Accounting
    • Taxation

    Please review our Statement of Publication EthicsLicences and Copyright Notice, and Submission Guidelines before making submissions.


    Originality and Publication
    The manuscript must be original work not under submission to another journal or consideration for publication in another form, such as a book chapter. Authors of submitted manuscripts are obligated not to submit their manuscripts for publication elsewhere until an editorial decision is rendered. The Copyrights for articles published in AJAP remain with the Faculty of Business and Economics, Universiti Malaya as the Publisher.

    All submissions must use the journal template that can be download here. No submission/process/publication fee for this journal. However, accepted papers for publication in AJAP (if necessary) are to be sent for language editing/proofreading and at the expense of the Authors.

    Review Process
    All submitted manuscripts will undergo plagiarism screening before editors evaluate the feasibility and suitability of the manuscript with the AJAP's aims and scope. Then, a minimum of two independent referees who are experts in the area of research is appointed to perform a double-blind peer-review.

    Open Access
    Articles published in the AJAP are digital, online, free of charge, and free of most copyright and licensing restrictions. Please refer to the AJAP Licences and Copyright Notice.


  • Borneo Research Journal

    Borneo Research Journal (BRJ), a multidisciplinary double-blind peer-reviewed journal published annually by the Department of Southeast Asian Studies, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Malaya. This journal is concerned with research results in Borneo Island focusing on social science and humanities of this island. The journal would like to invite all discourse by sending their paper between 6000 to 8000 words. Contribution in the form of review essay (5000 words) and a book review (1500 words) are welcome. All contributions are in British English and follow the APA style (Version 7) for citations and references.

    eISSN : 2600-8645
    Print ISSN: 1985-5443
    Publisher: University of Malaya
    Publication type: Printed and Electronic
    Publication frequency: December, 1 time per year

    Indexed by:



  • Institutions and Economies

    Institutions and Economies is a peer reviewed journal published by the Faculty of Business and Economics (formerly Faculty of Economics and Administration), University of Malaya. The journal  is published four times a year, in January, April, July and October. The journal publishes research articles (excluding systematic literature review) and book reviews. Only original research articles that are not under consideration by other publishers are welcome. Special issues are also welcome but interested special issue editors must submit a proposal to the Editor-In-Chief for consideration. The journal is indexed in SCOPUS, IDEAS, MYCite, ECONPapers, ASEAN Citation Index (ACI), EBSCO and Asian Digital Library. Institutions and Economies is a recipient of the CREAM Award 2016 by the Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia.

    Print ISSN:     2232 - 1640
    E - ISSN:       2232 - 1349   


    Peer Review Statement 

    All research articles in the journal have undergone rigorous peer review. The process consists of an initial screening by the Editor-In-Chief, Deputy Editor and Associate Editors, followed by double-blind refereeing: two reviewers for articles. Articles in special issues go through double-blind refereeing and one internal review by the Editorial Board. 


    There will be a publication fee of USD100/- for accepted papers only (papers that have undergone the double-blind review process) to partially cover the expenses of copy editing of accepted manuscripts. Payment of the publication fee should only be made after acceptance of a manuscript. 

    Note: Submissions from 1/1/2024 and that have been accepted for publication after the double-blind review process will be subject to a publication fee of RM500/-.

    The detailed information of the payment process can be seen here. Payment of the publication fee can be done at this website.


  • Journal of Health and Translational Medicine (JUMMEC)

    Dear authors, we regret to inform you that Jummec will be closing down at the end of December 2024 and will no longer be accepting new submissions.

    The Journal of Health and Translational Medicine (JUMMEC) was founded in 1996. When JUMMEC (abbreviated for "Journal of University of Malaya Medical Centre") was first conceived, it was only publishing research findings that had been conducted in University of Malaya Medical Centre. Over the next few years, this journal grew in function and rapidly became popular amongst the local universities. It was not long thereafter that this journal began to gain interest by the global research community. In 2012, it was decided that a change in the journal name had to be made in order to reflect the international participations to this journal. However, we have never deviated from our primary aim, which is to facilitate the exchange of ideas, techniques and information among all members of the medical health practitioners and scientists alike.

    Topics covered include: All aspect of medicine, medical systems and management; surgical and medicinal procedures; epidemiological studies; surgery and procedures (of all tissues); resuscitation; biomechanics; rehabilitation; basic science of local and systemic response related to the medical sciences; fundamental research of all types provided it is related to medical sciences; cell, proteins and gene related research; all branches of medicine which may include (but not limited to) anaesthesia, radiology, surgery, orthopaedics, ortholaryngiology etc. Regular features include: original research papers; review articles and case reports.

    Letters that comment on an article previously published in JUMMEC are particularly encouraged, and the authors will be given the opportunity to respond. Please submit letters to the editor by e-mail where possible to email:


    Issues are published BIANNUALLY in June and December every year.

    Special issues will be in addition to the two (2) regular issues per year. 


    Print ISSN:1823-7339 (1996-2010)
    E-ISSN:2289-392X (2011-current)

    Publisher: Faculty of Medicine, Universiti Malaya






    NOTE: As of September 2011, JUMMEC is published as an on-line journal only and produces non off-prints. This effort is part of our commitment to ensure that JUMMEC is readily available and can be accessible to the public freely, quickly and with little or no restrictions. This decision is also in line with our policy to help save the environment by reducing the number of papers used to produce printed articles.

  • Journal of Shariah Law Research

    JOURNAL OF SHARIAH LAW RESEARCH is with the objective to disseminate and advance research findings in the field of Shariah law with particular emphasis on the ideas of reform which are relevant to the contemporary development in various fields of Islamic law. The journal is published bi-annually by Department of Shariah and Law, Academy of Islamic Studies both on-line and printed versions beginning on January 2016.
  • Afkar: Jurnal Akidah & Pemikiran Islam

    AFKAR: Jurnal Akidah & Pemikiran Islam (ISSN: 1511-8819, E-ISSN: 2550-1755) adalah jurnal dwi tahunan (Jun & Disember) antarabangsa yang dinilai, diterbitkan oleh Jabatan Akidah dan Pemikiran Islam, Akademi Pengajian Islam, Universiti Malaya, Kuala Lumpur. Ia menerbitkan makalah dan kajian ilmiah berkaitan Akidah dan Pemikiran Islam merangkumi bidang kalam, falsafah, tasawwuf, perbandingan agama, mantik dan pemikiran Islam dalam Bahasa Melayu, Inggeris dan Arab. Jurnal ini diindeks di pengkalan data Scopus, Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI-WoS), American Theological Library Association (Atla) Religion Database, Asean Citation Index (ACI) dan MyCite.

    AFKAR: Journal of 'Aqidah & Islamic Thought is an international peer reviewed journal published twice a year (June & December) by the Department of `Aqidah and Islamic Thought, Academy of Islamic Studies, Universiti Malaya, Kuala Lumpur. It publishes articles and research papers concerning `aqidah and Islamic thought, particularly Kalam, philosophy, Sufism, comparative religions, logic and Islamic thought in Malay, English and Arabic. The journal is being indexed and abstracted by Elsevier's Scopus, Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI-WoS), American Theological Library Association (Atla) Religion Database, Asean Citation Index (ACI) and MyCite.

    أفكار: مجلة علمية، دولية، محكمة، يصدرها قسم العقيدة والفكر الإسلامي، أكاديمية الدراسات الإسلامية بجامعة مالايا، كوالالمبور، مرتين في العام (يونيو وديسمبر). وتنشر المجلة مقالاتٍ وأوراقًا بحثية تتعلق بالعقيدة والفكر الإسلامي، خاصة في مجالات علم الكلام، والفلسفة، والتصوف، ومقارنة الأديان، والمنطق، والفكر الإسلامي، باللغات الثلاث: الإنجليزية، والملايوية، والعربية. والمجلة مرخصة، ومسجلة، ومفهرسة من قبل قاعدة البيانات سكوبس (Elsevier)، وفهرس الاقتباس للمصادر الناشئة (ESCI-WoS)، وقاعدة بيانات الدين التابعة لجمعية المكتبات اللاهوتية الأمريكية (Atla)، وفهرس الاقتباس لدول الآسيان (ACI)، وماي سيت (MyCite).



  • MJIR | Malaysian Journal of International Relations

    The Malaysian Journal of International Relations, MJIR (ISSN 2600-8181) is an open-access, peer-reviewed journal published annually by the Department of International and Strategic Studies, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Universiti Malaya. The MJIR welcomes original contributions related to international relations, foreign policy, diplomacy, political science, international political economy, strategic and security studies, and related fields, to be considered for publication. In particular, the journal welcomes manuscripts with a focus on international relations in the Asia-Pacific.

    eISSN: 2600-8181
    Print ISSN: 2289-5043
    Publication Type: Electronic and Print
    Publication frequency: 1 time, per year (December)
    Journal Website:
    Publisher: Department of International and Strategic Studies, Universiti Malaya, Malaysia


  • Jurnal Fiqh

    Jurnal Fiqh (ISSN:1823-089X, E-ISSN: 2289-7518) merupakan jurnal yang diterbitkan setiap tahun oleh Jabatan Fiqh dan Usul, Akademi Pengajian Islam, Universiti Malaya. Walaubagaimanapun, mulai tahun 2020, Jurnal ini diterbitkan dua kali setahun. Objektif utamanya adalah untuk menyediakan satu forum akademik bagi membincangkan isu-isu fiqh, usul fiqh, fiqh kontemporari dan maqasid al-syariah.

    The Jurnal Fiqh (ISSN:1823-089X, E-ISSN: 2289-7518) is a refereed journal published annually by the Department of Fiqh and Usul, Academy of Islamic Studies, University of Malaya. However, since 2020, this journal publish twice a year. Its main objective is to provide an academic forum to discuss fiqh issues, usul fiqh, contemporary fiqh issues and maqasid -shariah.



  • Journal of Al-Tamaddun

    Journal of Al-Tamaddun is an international refereed academic journal published by the Department of Islamic History And Civilization, Academy of Islamic Studies, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur. The Journal started with one issue per year, but now it is published biannually from 2012 onward (in June and December). Among of its aims is to be a platform for academicians to contribute and share their research works and writings regarding Islamic history and civilization. Furthermore, it aims to foster excellent research particularly in this area. It is a peer review and open access journal. It publishes articles and research papers pertaining history, civilization, thought, system and development from Islamic perspective in Malay, English and Arabic. The Journal is indexed by Emerging Sources Citation Index, Index Islamicus, EBSCOhost, UlrichsWeb, Open J-Gate, DOAJ, Malaysian Citation Index (MyCITE), Asean Citation Index (ACI) and Scopus.

  • International Online Journal of Educational Leadership

    eISSN: 2590-4159

    International Online Journal of Educational leadership (IOJEL) is a double-blind peer-reviewed open access journal which is published twice a year, in June and December in English. This journal published empirical, conceptual, and review papers of exceptional quality that contributes to the theoretical and practical discussions of educational leadership thinking and practices. It provides a platform for deliberations and exchange of knowledge among educational leadership scholars and practitioners to discuss issues and developments in leadership for schools, educational management, educational organizations, and higher education. IOJEL accepts manuscripts in any mode of inquiry (e.g., positivist, interpretative or critical approach) with qualitative, quantitative, or mix method that has the potential to contribute to the field of educational leadership.

  • MOJEM: Malaysian Online Journal of Educational Management

    The Malaysian Online Journal of Educational Management (MOJEM) (e-ISSN: 2289-4489) is an international, peer reviewed, open access electronic publication by the Department of Educational Management, Planning & Policy, Faculty of Education, University of Malaya. MOJEM serves as a platform for researchers, scholars, academic professionals, universities, and research organizations to raise key issues across disciplinary boundaries and facilitate sharing and exchanging views in the field of educational management, administration and leadership. The journal is published four times a year (January, April, July and October). Potential research manuscripts will be reviewed by the professional members of the MOJEM's  editorial board anonymously. The reviewing process usually takes four to eight weeks.

  • Annals of Dentistry University of Malaya

    The Annals of Dentistry University of Malaya (Ann Dent UM) is  the official publication of the Faculty of Dentistry, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Ann Dent UM accomodates research articles, reviews, case report (study), short notes, perspective and opinion papers, letters to editors, and hypothesis papers  pertaining to dentistry and oral health. Ann Dent UM is an open access journal and has no article processing fees, open access fees or page charges imposed on authors.
    There is no strict formatting requirement during initial submission. Authors will be asked to fix the format only after acceptance of the manuscript. 
  • O-JIE: Online Journal of Islamic Education

    Online journal of Islamic Education (O-jIE) (eissn: 2289-3016) is an international, professional refereed journal in the interdisciplinary fields that relevant to Islamic studies. O-jIE serves as a platform for presenting and discussing the emerging issues on Islamic Studies. The journal is committed in publishing high quality articles in Bahasa Malaysia, English and Arabic, ranging from original research papers in the area of Islamic studies. This journal welcomes original and qualified researches on all aspects of Islamic studies. The topics may include, but are not limited to: Islamic philosophy, comparative studies on Islamic education and Muslim societies, Arabic Education, curriculum, teaching and learning in Islamic education, evaluation, Islamic education for indigenous groups, special education from the Islamic perspective and lifelong learning in Islamic studies.

  • Journal of Design and Built Environment

    An International refereed Journal published since 2005 (Currently indexed by SCOPUS)

    Journal of Design and Built Environment (JDBE) is a SCOPUS-indexed and open access publication by the Faculty of Built Environment, University of Malaya. JDBE publishes original papers and review articles resulting from research in architecture, building engineering, quantity surveys, real estate management and all disciplines related to the built environment.

    Journal of Design and Built Environment covers the following topics (but are not limited to):

    • Urban Design: Development and Management
    • Sustainable buildings, design, construction and materials
    • Construction management and technology
    • Building design, performance and operation
    • Sustainable Construction and Artificial Landscape
    • Building Services and Maintenance
    • Energy and building
    • Heritage Conservation
    • System safety and reliability
    • Indoor environmental quality
    • Facilities management
    • Building Information Modelling (BIM)
    • Human interaction with the built environment
    • Life cycle assessment
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